Rok: 1916
Minutáž: 3 mins
Popis: I. 'LORD FRENCH AT LIVERPOOL. The Lancashire Volunteer Regiment being reviewed by Field-Marshal Lord French outside the Adelphi Hotel'. French inspects ranks of men fallen in on cobbled street - trolley-bus passes in background. Men march past - the uniforms are rather mixed in pattern and some men are in civilian dress. Lord French and his retinue depart.II. 'BRUCE CASTLE FETE. The Lord Mayor of London and Lady Mayoress attend the fête at Bruce Castle Park, Tottenham, held in aid of the funds for Blinded Soldiers and Sailors'. The Mayor arrives in his full regalia. He gives a speech. MS over the crowd - one woman waves to the camera. A performance - a young girl in sylvan dress leaps about a stage while fairies and nymphs look on. The Mayor is presented with a gift (possibly chocolates) from one of the fête stalls.III. 'BLESSING THE AMBULANCES. President Poincaré, Gen. Dubail and Gen. Pau attend the ceremony of blessing the cars given by the Rumanians residing in Paris'. Poincaré, the generals and their retinue gather around a covered altar as Orthodox priest reads dedication. MCU as the priest daubs each car with holy water as a blessing. MS of the assembled vehicles - they are all of the same make (Peugeot ?) and model and are clearly specialised ambulance types.IV. 'LONDON FIRE BRIGADE DRILL. The L.F.B. give a demonstration with their fire appliances at Headquarters to an audience of wounded soldiers'. Three fire engines speed down a road watched by a few passers-by. Vehicle 'LF 9000' raises a ladder against a building and men climb up, carrying aloft a further short scaling ladder. Man on ladder directs a hose down into the square below, adjusting it to demonstrate wide and narrow water-jets. 'SMOKE HELMET DRILL. London Firemen wearing the special helmet which is worn when entering a building full of smoke or gas'. Watched by a crowd of soldiers a man leaps from a window into a safety blanket. MS as a man emerges from a smoke-filled building wearing a respirator and carrying a hose (curiously he wears no goggles or other eye protection). A man in a respirator carries a 'casualty' out of the building. LA as a fireman on the roof directs his hose to the ground, and view below of the converging jets from several hoses. More hose gear is deployed from the fire engines.
I. Lord French inspects Volunteers at Liverpool.II. Lord Mayor of London at fund-raising fête.III. An Orthodox priest blesses ambulances.IV. The London Fire Brigade lays on a demonstration for wounded soldiers.
Klíčová slova: EFG1914 / World War I / French, John Denton Pinkstone / London, Lord Mayor of / London, Lady Mayoress of / Poincaré, Raymond N L / Dubail, Augustin Y H / Pau, Paul Marie Cesar Gerald / British Army, Lancashire Regiment, Prince of Wales's Volunteers / Fire Brigade, London / ceremonies, British - event-related: inspection of troops / delegations, British national - military: Lord French visits Liverpool / society, British - charity: fund-raising fete / transport, French military - ambulance / religion, Christianity - ceremonial, Rumanian: blessing / equipment, British civilian - damage control: fire fighting equipment / operations [simulated], British civilian - rescue: fire brigade demonstration / transport, British civilian - truck, special: fire engine / GB, England & Liverpool, Lancs
/ GB, England & London, N / Paris, Département de Ville de Paris, France / London, England, UK -
Poskytovatel: Imperial War Museums
Práva: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Produkční společnost: Topical Film Company
Barva: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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